With a comfortable stay in mind and out of love for traveling, we offer you the newly renovated Morska Apartment in Gdynia in a modern style. This is an ideal space for families with children or a group of friends who want to enjoy the charms of a seaside resort on a budget. We offer three bedrooms with double beds for up to 6 people. Each of them also has a wardrobe, desk and chest of drawers for guests' use. There is also a TV in the main bedroom. The kitchen and utility room are perfect for preparing your favorite dishes without leaving the apartment. The dining area, i.e. a comfortable, large table, allows you to spend time together. It will be pure pleasure to drink your morning coffee or an evening drink after a whole day of enjoying the charms of the city. The bathroom is equipped with a shower and all the necessary things for everyday use. The apartment also comes with one parking space, shared by neighbors. More cars can be parked on the side of the building. The undeniable advantage of the apartment is its location. Morska The apartment is located on the 4th floor, and its windows offer a beautiful view. The building is located in the very well-connected center of Gdynia. This is the best choice if you want to be close to a restaurant, cafe or boulevard within a 10-minute walk.
Sezon wysoki (lipiec, sierpień)*
800 - 1000 zł
Sezon średni (maj, czerwiec, wrzesień)
500 - 700 zł
Końcowe sprzątanie
200 zł
Podatek miejski w wysokości
3,22 zł od osoby za dzień
Kaucja zwrotna
500 zł
Dodatkowe sprzątanie w czasie pobytu
200 zł
Transport z lotniska
150 zł
Aby zarezerwować apartament należy opłacić zadatek w wysokości 30% wartości pobytu. Zadatek jest bezzwrotny i przepada w całości w przypadku rezygnacji z przyjazdu na mniej niż 30 dni przed przyjazdem. Ewentualne koszty przelewu np. z zagranicy pokrywa klient. Reszta kwoty płatna jest w dniu przyjazdu do apartamentu wraz z kaucją zwrotną. Doba hotelowa zaczyna się o 16, a kończy o 11. Jeśli chcą Państwo otrzymać Fakturę VAT za pobyt prosimy o poinformowanie nas o tym PRZED dokonaniem płatności.